Author name: Irene

does rental income affect child support | Walker Pender Lawyers

Does Rental Income Affect Child Support? A 6-Point Comprehensive Guide

Does Rental Income Affect Child Support? Yes, rental income does affect child support assessments. When calculating child support in Australia, rental income is considered part of a parent’s taxable income. Any income generated from rental properties, after deducting expenses, will contribute to the overall financial resources the Department of Human Services takes into account when […]

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How Prenuptial Agreements Can Protect Business Interests in Marriage | Melbourne Family Lawyers

How Prenuptial Agreements Can Protect Business Interests in Marriage: A 6-Point Guide

How Prenuptial Agreements Can Protect Business Interests in Marriage: 5 Key Benefits Entering marriage as a business owner brings unique considerations, particularly regarding protecting your business assets. Prenuptial agreements are a strategic tool that can help safeguard business interests in marriage, providing clarity and certainty for both partners. By defining how business assets will be

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representing yourself as a respondent in a restraining order final hearing | Melbourne Family Lawyers

Representing Yourself as a Respondent in a Restraining Order Final Hearing: A Helpful 5-Step Guide

Representing Yourself as a Respondent in a Restraining Order Final Hearing Representing yourself as a respondent in a restraining order final hearing means that you will be responsible for presenting your case to the court without the assistance of a lawyer. This requires you to understand the legal process, prepare your evidence and articulate your

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child support living in same house | Melbourne Family Lawyers

Paying Child Support while Living in Same House: 8-Point Comprehensive Guide

Child Support Living in Same House When parents separate but continue living under the same roof, they are still required to meet child support obligations. In Australia, child support is determined by a formula that considers both parents’ income and the costs of raising children. Can You Receive Child Support While Living in the Same

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should i sign a prenup | Melbourne Family Lawyers

Should I Sign a Prenup? 6 Important Things to Know Before Getting a Prenup

What is a Prenup? A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract between two people before they marry, outlining the division of assets, debts, and financial responsibilities if the marriage ends in divorce. While often perceived as unromantic, a prenup can be a practical tool to safeguard both parties’ financial interests and provide peace of mind.

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contravene family violence intervention order | Melbourne Family Lawyers

Contravening A Family Violence Intervention Order: 5-Point Comprehensive Guide

Understanding a Family Violence Intervention Order (FVIO) A family violence intervention order is a legal measure designed to protect individuals from family violence by imposing specific conditions on the respondent. This effectively prevents future harm or threats by restricting the behaviour of the respondent towards the protected person(s). The conditions of a FVIO may include

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can police press charges without victims consent | Melbourne Family Lawyers

Can Police Press Charges Without Victims Consent in Australia: 5-Point Comprehensive Guide

Can Police Press Charges Without Victims Consent in Australia? In Australia, the decision to press charges in a criminal case does not rely on the victim’s consent. Law enforcement authorities can pursue charges against a suspect if sufficient evidence supports a conviction, regardless of the victim’s wishes. This approach ensures that justice can be pursued

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does salary sacrifice affect child support | Melbourne Family Lawyers

Does Salary Sacrifice Affect Child Support: Helpful 6-Point Guide

Does Salary Sacrifice Affect Child Support? Yes, salary sacrifice does affect child support in Australia. Child support is calculated based on a parent’s “adjusted taxable income,” which includes salary, wages, and other benefits. When salary sacrifice arrangements are in place, they can reduce a parent’s taxable income, potentially affecting the amount of child support they

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what is child support supposed to cover | Melbourne Family Lawyers

What is Child Support Supposed to Cover: 7 Important Factors

What is Child Support Supposed to Cover? Child support is a comprehensive payment that covers various aspects of a child’s upbringing, ensuring they have the necessary resources for a stable and fulfilling life. It goes beyond basic needs, encompassing education, healthcare, childcare, transportation, and recreational activities, all of which contribute to the child’s overall well-being.

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