Child Custody Lawyers

As dedicated child custody lawyers, we’re not just here to guide you through the legal labyrinth but champion your cause.

With us, you’re not just getting legal representation but gaining a partner in this crucial journey.

Trust us to be your steadfast child custody solicitors, ensuring your voice is heard, and your rights are protected.


  • Child custody law
  • Custody battle
  • Custody orders
Child Custody

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    The Importance of a Lawyer for Child Custody

    Navigating child custody disputes requires a deep understanding of the legal system and expertise in family law. Here are some benefits of a lawyer for child custody:

    • Knowledge of Relevant Laws: A lawyer who specialises in child custody cases is well-versed in the specific laws and regulations surrounding custody arrangements in Australia. They can provide invaluable insights into your rights and responsibilities as a parent, ensuring that you are aware of all legal options available to you.

    • Objective Guidance: Emotions can run high during child custody disputes, and it can be challenging to make rational decisions. A skilled lawyer acts as an objective advisor, helping you understand the legal process, guiding you through the complexities, and advocating for your rights while considering the best interests of your child.

    • Negotiation and Mediation: A child custody lawyer possesses the necessary negotiation and mediation skills to find amicable solutions between parties. They can help you explore alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or collaborative law, which can reduce stress and preserve relationships while still protecting your rights as a parent.

    • Court Representation: If your case proceeds to court, having a specialised lawyer by your side becomes even more crucial. They will represent your interests, present your case persuasively, and navigate the courtroom procedures with professionalism and expertise. Their familiarity with the family court system enhances your chances of securing a favourable outcome.

    • Customised Strategies: Every child custody case is unique, with its own set of circumstances and challenges. A dedicated child custody lawyer will work closely with you to develop a tailored legal strategy that aligns with your specific goals and priorities, ensuring the best possible outcome for you and your child.

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      Our Family Lawyers

      Our lawyers have vast experience in Family Law. Whether your case involves a 50 million dollar business or a suburban house, a relocation with children to Preston or Paris, or a Divorce Application in Melbourne or Mumbai, rest assured that we know how to deal with it in the best possible way and obtain the best possible result for you.

      What Does Child Custody Mean?

      In family law, child custody is the legal arrangement that dictates who is responsible for the care, welfare, and decision-making of a child or children following a separation or divorce. 

      When people ask, “What is custody?” they often seek clarity on who will have the authority and responsibility over their children.

      Child Custody Law

      When we define custody in the context of Australian law, it’s crucial to understand that child custody laws in Australia are primarily governed by the Family Law Act of 1975. 

      This act focuses on the child’s best interests, providing a framework for resolving custody disputes. 

      Custody law in Australia aims to ensure that children can know and be cared for by both parents, whenever possible and outlines the responsibilities and rights each parent has towards their children.

      History of Child Custody

      Here is a quick overview of how child custody law in Australia has evolved over the years:

      • Before the 20th century: Child custody was largely governed by English common law, which gave fathers sole custody of their children upon divorce or separation.
      • Early 20th century: Social attitudes towards parenting and children began to shift, and there was a growing recognition that both parents should have a role in the upbringing of their children. This led to a series of legal reforms that aimed to give mothers more rights and to recognize the importance of the child’s best interests.
      • The Matrimonial Causes Act 1959: One of the most significant legal reforms in the history of child custody in Australia was the Matrimonial Causes Act 1959, which established the Family Court of Australia and introduced a no-fault divorce system. This allowed couples to divorce without proving that one spouse was at fault and also allowed the court to make orders regarding child custody.
      • 1975: The Family Law Act was introduced, which established a uniform national system for family law in Australia. This legislation introduced the concept of “parental responsibility”. Upon introduction of this law, it set out child custody legal definition and guidelines.

      Over the years, the Family Law Act has undergone several amendments and reforms to reflect changing social attitudes and to better protect the rights of children.

      Types of Child Custody Arrangements

      These formal plans outline how parents will share responsibilities and time with their children. They can be legally binding if formalised by a court order.

      • Joint Custody: Joint custody is when both parents share legal responsibility for a child. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the child spends equal time with each parent, but both have a say in major life decisions.
      • Shared Custody: Unlike joint custody, shared custody is an arrangement where the child spends substantial time living with both parents. It aims for a more balanced division of time between homes.
      • 50 50 Custody in Australia: This is a specific type of shared custody where the child spends equal time with each parent. It’s one of the most balanced forms of shared custody but may only be suitable for some families.
      • Primary Custody: This is when one parent has the majority of the child’s legal and physical custody. The other parent may have visitation rights but has less influence over the child’s day-to-day life.

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      How To Apply For Child Custody

      When it comes to the well-being of your children, knowing how to apply for custody is crucial.

      In Australia, you’ve got two main routes: either resolve the matter without setting foot in a courtroom or take the legal path through the court system. 

      Here’s a step-by-step guide for both:

      How to Apply for Child Custody in Court

      If you’re gearing up for the courtroom, here’s your step-by-step guide to navigating the legal maze of child custody:

      1. Consult a Lawyer: The first step in how to get custody of a child through the court system is to consult a family lawyer for advice tailored to your situation.
      2. Prepare Documents: You’ll need to prepare and file an Initiating Application, an Affidavit, and a Notice of Risk to outline your case.
      3. File the Application: These documents are submitted to the Family Court, along with a filing fee.
      4. Serve the Documents: The other parent must be formally served with the court documents, usually by a third party.
      5. First Court Appearance: The first court date, often called a Mention or Directions Hearing, sets the timetable for your case.
      6. Interim Orders: If immediate decisions are needed, you can temporarily apply for Interim Orders to resolve custody issues.
      7. Final Hearing: If an agreement isn’t reached, the case proceeds to a final hearing, where a judge will make the final decision based on the evidence presented.
      8. Issuance of Final Orders: The judge’s decision is formalised in Final Orders, which are legally binding and outline the custody arrangements.

      How to Apply for Child Custody Without Going to Court

      Ready to secure child custody but want to skip the courtroom drama? Here’s your roadmap to making it happen, no gavel required:

      1. Family Dispute Resolution (FDR): Before you can apply for custody, attending Family Dispute Resolution is generally required. This is a form of mediation aimed at helping both parties reach an agreement.
      2. Create a Parenting Plan: If you manage to agree during FDR, you can draft a Parenting Plan. While this isn’t legally binding, it’s a written record of your agreement on how to get custody of a child.
      3. Consent Orders: To make your Parenting Plan legally enforceable, you can apply to convert it into Consent Orders. This is how to get full custody of a child without going to court, provided both parties agree.
      4. Online Application: You can apply for these Consent Orders online via the Commonwealth Courts Portal, making the process more streamlined.
      5. Approval: A Registrar will review your application to ensure it’s in the child’s best interests. Once approved, the Consent Orders become legally binding.


      In Australia, there’s no specific time frame after which a father automatically loses his parental rights due to absence. Parental rights are generally only terminated by a court order, and this is usually only done if it’s in the best interests of the child. Each case is unique and evaluated individually.

      In Australia, custody is not automatically granted to either parent in a divorce. 

      The Family Law Act of 1975 emphasises that the child’s best interests are paramount. 

      Courts generally prefer arrangements where the child has a relationship with both parents unless there are reasons such as abuse or neglect that would make this not in the child’s best interests.

      The cost of a custody battle in Australia can vary widely depending on the case’s complexity, the lawyers involved, and whether it goes to trial. 

      Legal fees can range from a few thousand dollars for simpler cases to tens of thousands for more complex disputes. It’s advisable to consult with a family lawyer for a more accurate estimate tailored to your situation.

      If you’re planning to schedule a consultation with a lawyer, it’s important to be prepared for your meeting. Here are some items you should consider bringing to your custody lawyer consultation:

      1. Any relevant legal documents: Bring copies of any legal documents that are relevant to your case, such as a marriage certificate, prenuptial agreement, divorce decree, child custody order, or any other legal paperwork related to your family law matter.
      2. Financial documents: If your case involves financial matters such as property division, spousal support, or child support, bring relevant financial documents such as tax returns, bank statements, pay stubs, and investment account statements.
      3. Questions: Make a list of any questions you have about your case or the legal process and bring them with you to the consultation. This will ensure that you get the answers you need and that you don’t forget anything important.
      4. Contact information: Bring a list of contact information for yourself and any other parties involved in your case, including your spouse or former spouse, children, and other relevant individuals.
      5. Notes: Take notes during the custody lawyer consultation so that you can remember important information discussed during the meeting. You may also want to bring a pen and paper or a notebook to take notes during the consultation.
      6. Relevant communication: Bring any relevant communications, such as emails, text messages, or voicemails, that may be relevant to your case or legal issue.
      7. Timeline: If possible, create a timeline of events leading up to your legal issue or case, including any relevant dates, events, or actions taken.

      Being prepared and bringing relevant documents and information to your consultation can help your lawyer better understand your case and provide you with tailored legal advice and guidance.

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