Family Lawyers Cranbourne

Family Lawyers Cranbourne

Family Lawyers Cranbourne is a team of experienced Melbourne Family Lawyers. 

With years of combined family law experience, we are dedicated to providing the most skilled, compassionate, and expert legal representation possible.  

With the best interests of our clients and their families in mind, we offer them vital information. We also help them address their issues cost-effectively and promptly.   

Family Lawyers Cranbourne

Some Of The Types Of Legal Issues That Family Lawyers Cranbourne Deals With


Sometimes, people grow apart, and the marriage ends. When this happens, the court system must decide on their divorce.

Often, the court system will help the couple figure out how to split up their property, finances, and other parts of their life that they built together. 

If you’re considering divorce, you should talk to Family Lawyers Cranbourne. Let’s discuss your legal rights and options. 

Family Lawyers Melton


When deciding a child’s custody after a divorce, many factors are considered, including the child’s age, sex, health, emotional bond with parents, each parent’s health, ability to guide the child, living situation, and level of involvement.

Spousal support or alimony

A court may order a person to support their spouse after a divorce financially. The exact amount depends on multiple factors, like the capacity of the other parent to work or tend to their financial needs. In addition, whether the spouse cares for their child. 

Family Lawyers Melton understands legal procedures and subtle nuances in this area. Providing Melbourne families with workable and fair alimony agreements is what we do best.

Prenups or Postnups

A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement isn’t just for the wealthy. There is no doubt that they are an excellent idea for everyone.

Are you getting married soon? Before you tie the knot, we will help you create a legally binding contract listing all your properties and debts.

Our team will assist you in drafting a legal document that details how your assets and liabilities will be divided in the event of

Family Lawyers Melton

Child Support

The Child Support (Assessment) Act of 1989 says that most decisions about child support for children under 18 are made outside of court.

Child support ensures that kids are financially cared for after their parent’s divorce or split up.  Taking care of a child until they can care for themselves is very expensive. 

The amount of support is set by law and is based on how much each parent makes. Parents have to take charge of their children financially.

At Family Lawyers Cranbourne, we know the costs and needs of raising children when they’re young, in their teens, and just starting to become adults. This way, we can give accurate advice on how to deal with child support matters. 

Child support is a complicated part of family law, so you should talk to Family Lawyers Cranbourne about this. 

Child Custody

There are no definitive guidelines about how to decide where a child will live or spend time after their parents’ divorce.

This was previously called setting up “custody” or “contact.” In Australian family law, these terms are no longer used.

No rule says children must spend the same amount of time with each parent, or “50:50.”

Most of the time, it’s best for both parents to talk about what their child needs and agree on where the child will live and how they will spend time with each parent.

There are many ways for separated families to ensure their kids can still spend time with both parents. 

You don’t have to go to court if you and your ex-spouse agree on what will happen with the kids. 

You can make a parenting plan or get “consent orders” from a court. You can talk to Family Lawyers Cranbourne if your family needs it to file for your applications. 


Alimony or Spousal Maintenance

Spousal support, which in Melbourne is called maintenance but is sometimes called alimony, is the funds that an ex-spouse with less income gets from an ex-spouse with more capacity to make an income. 

Got questions about spousal maintenance? Family Lawyers Cranbourne is here. Have us discuss your rights to alimony. 

Pre and Postnuptial Agreements

Prenuptial or postnuptial agreements are made so that couples can decide independently how their property will be split if they get divorced or if one of them dies.

Couples and their lawyers must take steps to ensure prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are legal. For example, a court may throw out a deal if it is unfair or was made under duress.

Don’t worry; Family Lawyers Cranbourne will help you make agreements.


Domestic Violence

Family or domestic abuse is described in section 5 of the Family Violence Protection Act of 2008

It is defined as “behaviour towards a family member that is physically, sexually, psychologically, emotionally, or financially abusive and makes that family member fear for their safety or fear for the safety of another family member.” 

When it comes to a child, family violence will be proven if it can be shown that the child has seen this kind of behaviour.

De Facto Separation

When two people are not married but have lived together as a couple, this is called a “de facto relationship.” A family law court can decide if there is no agreement during the separation process.

Know your entitlements after a de facto breakup. Contact our team at Family Lawyers Cranbourne. 

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What is a De Facto Relationship?

To understand de facto rights, it is necessary first to understand what a de facto relationship is and how it is defined under Australian family law.

According to the law, a de facto couple consists of two adults who are:

  • They are not married or connected to each other in any way, but they share a genuine domestic relationship. A person’s sexual orientation need not be disclosed in a de facto partnership.
  • One or both partners may be legally married to someone else or in a registered partnership with someone else and yet be in a de facto relationship if they do not live together on a full-time basis.

Some Of The Types Of Legal Issues That Family Lawyers Cranbourne Deals With

How to Prove the Existence of a De Facto Relationship?

De facto rights might differ slightly from those of a married couple due to the lack of written “evidence” of the relationship between the two persons involved.

The separated de facto pair must both acknowledge that they were in a de facto relationship before they may file for orders in court.

Whenever one party raises doubts about the existence of a de facto connection, the other must provide convincing evidence that one existed in accordance with the family law meaning of the term.

Once a judge rules that a relationship is a de facto one, that person can file for benefits like property division.

There is a significant distinction between the legal status of married and de facto couples.

The court will determine the existence of a de facto connection after considering a wide range of criteria.

Among these are:

  • How long the pair has been together, including any breaks in the past, and whether or not they have lived together before
  • How much money flows back and forth between you, and how they plan to help each other out
  • The presence of an intimate partnership
  • The purchasing and possession of assets
  • The level of dedication to building a future together
  • Whether or not the couple filed for marriage licence in a certain jurisdiction
  • Any offspring of the couple
  • Relationship credibility (for example if they were considered by friends and family to be a committed couple)

Because they must prove the existence of a de facto connection before any further agreements or court orders may be made, these considerations are often referred to as the threshold criterion.

In most cases, separate determinations on each of these issues are unnecessary.

De Facto relationships can be a complicated matter to deal with. Ask Family Lawyers Cranbourne anything about your unique situation. We will create a plan for you because you deserve a better life after separation. 

Client Reviews

From the very first phone call I have been extremely impressed with the level of expertise, care and responsiveness. Having had 6 months of delays, poor communications and mistakes with another firm, it was an overwhelming relief to have a conversation with Hadyer, and then Guiseppe. They went out of their way to understand my case, and quickly distilled how they would take this on - both in terms of next steps and overall strategy. Information on their cost structure was simple and transparent. In a time of extreme stress, its great to not only get expertise, but also care and empathy, and realistic advice. Following on from my rubbish experience at a different firm, I did extensive research and spoke to many other firms. It would be very hard to go past Hayder and Guiseppe. You will be in good hands. Completely, whole heartedly recommend! Thankyou!
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The Mino W
The team's expertise and genuine care for their clients is unparalleled, making them the go-to firm for all your legal needs.
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Irene Casucian
The service I received was truly exceptional - it combined expert legal advice with a professional and compassionate approach. This was all the more remarkable considering the challenging and frustrating situation at hand.
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Leanne Fish
Thank you to the team for their continuous support, and for handling my situation with empathy and professionalism. Wasn’t sure where to go, really glad I turned to you all for the right legal advice.
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Thankyou to Penelope and the entire team of Melbourne Family Lawyers in assisting me in all aspects of my issues. Penelope was very understanding and absolutely professional in every manner through the entire legal process ensuring a great outcome. Totally recommend Penelope and the team at Melbourne Family Lawyers, honest, profession and totally understanding.
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Claud Mangifesta
The initial free consultation was very worthwhile and informative, with frank discussion of my situation. I was very appreciative that this could be organised within a few days of making contact.
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Ryan W